Sitemap - 2021 - Fresh Economic Thinking
Opening remarks to Australia's housing supply inquiry
Ignoring age and COVID risk is unscientific
Do medical school entrance tests constrain supply?
Did Germany and Tokyo really get affordable housing through planning?
Our reaction to COVID-19 will cost lives after the pandemic
William Partlett: Victoria's pandemic response bill should concern everyone
Alice in housing economics wonderland
The bathtub analogy of housing supply
COVID, Q+A, tough questions and sense-checking
Taxing rezoning windfalls (betterment)
Dr Sascha Callaghan: bioethicist on limits of health expertise
Misha Saul: don't handcuff dudes who are alone in the bush
Julian Burnside QC: trust the authorities on protest ban
Bonus: George Williams - the biosecurity emergency
James Allan: the case against bills of rights
Charles Firth on Comedy and Free Speech
Cameron Murray questions lockdown
COVID logic vs the public health army
Making sense of property as a monopoly
Luxury beliefs of YIMBYs and free markets
The Henry George logic of wages as an economic rent
The COVID story is ideal political cover, regardless of the truth, which never mattered