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Fresh Economic Thinking is Australia’s newest think-tank, with independent and insightful takes on major economic debates.

About Cameron Murray

I think economics could be much better than it is so I often write very fine technical critiques of economic theory and comments on the nature of the profession.

I specialise in property and housing markets, environmental economics, and corruption. I dabble in just about everything: macro, money, institutions, evolutionary economics, and more.

From 2018-22 I was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Henry Halloran Trust at The University of Sydney.

Follow me on Twitter@DrCameronMurray

Read my book on political favouritism in Australia: gameofmates.com

Find my academic writing at my Google Scholar profile

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New ideas and analysis by Dr Cameron K. Murray


Economist. Corruption and property market specialist. Blogger. Independent thinker. Reckons economics could be better. Book: https://t.co/5JxjX5n2al
Dr Tim Helm is a freelance economic consultant and the Director of Research and Policy at think tank Prosper Australia.