Nov 25, 2022Liked by Cameron Murray

I’ll say it: I initially supported some of these measures. I supported everyone going home from work if they could work from home. I supported closing businesses for a matter of weeks to give our health system time to get ready. I supported compulsory masking when you were out and about during this time. I was willing to support vaccine passport requirements in some situations.

But those in charge took all these measures, applied them universally rather than situationally, and made them articles of faith, rather than fact-based tactics. When that became clear, I flipped to opposing them because there was no one listened to nuance.

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Finding solace and self congratulations for a popular tweet among the Twitter mob whilst ignoring all the emergent evidence is quite something. It will be interesting to see you walk back your positions over time as the facts change. Somehow I doubt you have the spine for it.

Enjoy the reading below or the conspiratorial hole you're in.








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Funny how these kinds of presentations of evidence are not rebutted? I'm actually more surprised the comment wasn't deleted. iNtErEstiNg!!

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